Hz was rescued by a rock star!

A coupla weekends ago, Hz got to go with her friend Mary Ellyn and some other folks to Coachella, in California! She was super excited to see a bunch of great bands, and eat some quality dogs. She was very ambitious with the band-watching, but not with the dog-eating. She ended up eating tacos and potato chips most of the time, unfortch.

Mary Ellyn and Hz at Coachella. Keep movin', folks. No htdgs to see here!

Mary Ellyn and Hz at Coachella. Keep movin', folks. No htdgs to see here!

Anyway, the day after the festival, Hz went to the airport only to discover that she booked her return flight for a week later than she needed it. After finding out that changing to a different flight from Palm Springs would cost $950, she decided to book a flight from Los Angeles instead and try to hitchhike over there.

Hz found a ticket on the red eye for later that night that only cost $320, but still needed a lift to the Los Angeles airport, which California celebrities have nicknamed, “LAX”, and that is about a two-hour drive. Also, she didn’t know very many LA folks that were at Coachella, and certainly didn’t want to bother anyone. Luckily, she had been text-messaging that morning with a very important LA dude, whom we shall nickname, “HrMrSprstr.”

And wow, what a great guy! He arrived at the airport in his fly hoopty in, like, 60 minutes! And Hz hopped in, and off they went!

Westward, Ho!

Westward, Ho!

Hz had a long talk with her rescuer. Mostly this talk involved her explaining the wonders of hot dogs. How much fun they are to eat, how much fun they are when you take pictures of them, and especially how much fun it is when she and Ez write about them and their friends tell them that they are funny all the time. (How Ez and Hz are funny, not how hot dogs are funny. But hot dogs are funny, too.)

And HrMrSprstr was WAY into it! And Hz didn’t think he was just being polite, because he had a MILLION great ideas for future missions, such as handing them out for free at his shows. And also, he didn’t have to be polite anyway, because Hz was the one who should be kissing ass, since he was so nice and gave her a ride to LA.

So after they got to LA, do you know what Hz and HrMrSprstr did? Yes, you do! They went out for a hot dog! HrMrSprstr knew of a very famous hot dog place called Pinks, and he wanted to take her there! For a power lunch!

This Pink’s place was rather incredible. They had so many people in line for a hot dog, they had to put ropes out on the sidewalk for crowd control. But it didn’t matter how many ropes were there, it was gonna be real tough for Hz to control herself. For SURE!

Pink's was heaving with Pink's fnz!

Pink's was heaving with Pink's fnz!

As they wound through the ropes, Hz and HrMrSprstr were totally laughing at all of the funny signs for hot dogs you could buy.

The Ozzy Spicy Dog!

The Ozzy Spicy Dog!

America the Beautiful Dog!

America the Beautiful Dog!

Lord of the Rings Dog!

Lord of the Rings Dog!

Hz noticed that there was a hotdog with coleslaw on it, which sounded verrrrrry intriguing, so she totally got that. It was great! HrMrSprstr got something with loads of chili.

HrMrSprstr orders there!

HrMrSprstr orders there!

And we got chili on our fries.

And we got chili on our fries.

Hard at work!

Hard at work!

The wreckage

The wreckage

After Hz and HrMrSprstr ate, they wanted to die. But seriously, they had been partying in the hot sun at Coachella all weekend, so it might not have only been because they were so, soooo full. They might have just been sun-burnt and hung over. Or, yeah, they might have overeaten.



Sooo full.

Sooo full.

After this, HrMrSprstr took Hz to a nice bar called Malo, where they had some Tecate and talked with some friends. Then off to the LAX airport, so Hz could take the redeye home!

Safe and sound!

Lessons learned:

1.  When you’re buying a plane ticket always check the date on your computer for when you’re flying home, in case you might have picked the wrong day.

2.  If you DO buy a ticket for the wrong day, ask a rock star for help.

3.  If you buy a ticket for the wrong day, and a rock star is going to help you, go to Pink’s for a hot dog, but don’t eat so much you feel like dying.

4. Coleslaw on a hotdog tastes good.





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May 7, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Drunkenness, Getting Lost or stuck somewhere, Hot Dog Dining, HrMrSprstr, Music and Shows, Poverty.


  1. jnz replied:

    YES! Finally, my htdgblg fix is sated… for now…

  2. Nikki replied:


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