This Really Happened Friday Night, But Then We Had To Sleep All Day.

Ever since that night at Chris and Rob’s Hz and Ez have been TOTALLY FREAKING OUT and making plans for future hot dog times and places (oh, and our list is loooong). Our next stop was scheduled to be the Are You Local? SXSW send-off at First Avenue because Hz spotted a tiny hot dog on the flyer. We got the Hot Dog Street Force involved and excited, but Friday night was so totally outta sight that we have to tell!

So, we went to a bunch of parties with Lz, Nz, Paul D and Johnnycakes, who requests that we refer to him from now on as Lt. Brown ‘n Serve.

Lt. Brown-n-Serve, formerly known as Johnnycakes

Lt. Brown-n-Serve, formerly known as Johnnycakes

Anyway, it was all super-fun. We went to an opening a Spot Art where there were these great pieces made up of those strips from letter punching guns and everybody got to try it, too!

Hz, fastest gun in NE

Hz, fastest gun in NE

That Is Jive

That Is Jive

Also there was a really sweet dog (not a hot dog, a real dog) at this party and a cool band. And Hz was so stoked because she saw her tenant, Hot Joel there. Cuz he lives right upstairs from her, but she still never sees him. Totally weird! And then it was time to go to Now or Never.

This party was extra-choice! There was a bonfire and huge tube encasing Lt. Brn-n-Srv that was kinda telling of the night to come!

Lt. Brn-n-Srv is totally tubular!

Lt. Brn-n-Srv is totally tubular!

Everybody was dancing and this was the first time in the night that Hz channeled Miss Prissy to show us all some fine krump!

Here’s the second time Miss Prissy graced us:

So now it’s like 2 in the morning and we take Lz and Nz home. Ez, Hz and Brn-n-Srv are totally hungry when we pass the SA on Lyndale avenue and 22nd street. Brn-n-Srv got nostalgic about the time he lived next door to this Super America and he could walk on over for dogs ALL THE TIME! We were kinda tired but Brn-n-Srv told us of his total hot dog commitment. Like, let’s say Brn-n-Srv wasn’t allowed to sleep for like 8 days, and then finally he got to, and he had just fallen asleep and you were to wake him up to ask if he wanted a hot dog, you know what he’d say? You know what he’d say! He’d say YES! Of course! So, that’s IT, we’re going in.

You should have seen the traffic in that SA! It seemed like the perfect time for a hot dog because the fast turn over would guarantee freshness, right? KIND OF! Now, it makes sense that when there is a run on hot dogs it’s hard to keep a bun warmer stocked, so we were a little worried as we started building up our dogs.

Not the best start.

Not the best start.

But we chose to believe!

Brn-n-Srv + Hz + Dz

Brn-n-Srv + Hz + Dz

Ez selects her Dg

Ez selects her Dg

They have a pretty nice selection of self-serve toppings at SA. You got all your expecteds: your ketchup and mustard, onions, pickle relish, but then there is a two-sided dispenser-robot, half for chili and the other half for cheese!

Hey Hz! Mustard like you mean it!

Hey Hz! Mustard like you mean it!

We were working the dog station with another enthusiast and he was awesome! You know, he’d done this before and wanted to help. We couldn’t tell if the relish was made from dill or sweet pickles so we just asked him! He said “it’s whatever you want it to be,” which we found super inspiring. Ez hoped hard that it would be dill. Our man continued to coach us on our cheese and chili dispense. Coach said, “Hold the button down!”.

Please respect his privacy.

Please respect his privacy.

Hold that cz button down!

Hold that cz button down!

Coach was really serious about this! He said, “Just hold it! Hold it and it will drop, drop, drop!” We all tried. Brn-n-Srv went first, then Ez, then Hz and it seemed like each one of us was worse at it than the last! Hz got NOT ONE DROP! Coach was getting a little disgusted with us, and just wanted us to clear out of his way. But guess what – IT WAS TOTALLY EMPTY! We already said it was busy in there. Dear Coach had been advising us while we took the last of the supplies, just drained it dry. That guy was really supreme!

Check this yellow work:

Oh, Behold!

Oh, Behold!

So we roll out with our custom dogs. Ez only lives about less than a mile away and she’s got exactly 3 beers in-house, right? We really wanted to save up and do right by our creations, not just take them down in the car. So they sit on our laps and we wait…

Wow, this anticipation HURTS! Hz is driving, so for a minute Brn-n-Srv and Ez are tied for it’s the hardest. Then Brn-n-Srv describes his pain for us a little. He said, for him it’s like he was holding Loni Anderson‘s lush and full bosom in his hands but is not allowed a kiss. He might have been more descriptive than that (he really was), but the point is that these were difficult minutes.

Brn-n-Srv = HtDg inspctr

Brn-n-Srv = HtDg inspctr

At last, we make it to Ez’, AT LAST! The dogs lost a little of their luster en route so we warmed them in the microwave just a little, not too much.

Brn-n-Srv shows that htdg who's boss!

Brn-n-Srv shows that htdg who's boss!

And it’s ON!

Ez self portrait- First Bite.

Ez self portrait- First Bite.

Picture of Hz self portrait- First Bite.

Picture of Hz self portrait- First Bite.

Brn-n-Srv first bite

Brn-n-Srv first bite

Well, there might be someone more optimistic than your Hot Dog Doctors, but there really might not be. Having said that, even doctors can doubt, and the complete deliciousness of these dogs felt like a present, BIG TIME! So we thank you for this consultation and we strongly recommend taking the SA hot dog bar, as often as needed, for any reason!

Find us on Facebook! Totally premium!

Find us on Facebook! Totally premium!

March 15, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Drunkenness, Hot Dog Dining, Lt. Brn-N-Srv, Music and Shows.


  1. Steve Tenebrini replied:

    That rules! I live walking distance from an SA and make use of the Hot Dogs there on occasion. They’re better than one would expect in a pinch.

    • ilovehotdogs replied:

      Whew, we’re glad to hear it, Steve! We were beginning to wonder if it was just the beer talking, because those SA dogs were totally premium!

  2. Emily Hadland replied:

    I have never been so enthralled by a story about hot dogs…well done.

    • ilovehotdogs replied:

      The Htdg Drz appreciate your support, Emily! Keep on eating!

  3. Stuffed Pheasant replied:

    Two comments on the 22nd/Lyndale SA:

    – Once, when walking to the SA at 22nd/Lyndale, there was a dude carrying two dogs, checking me out. He then tripped, and dropped both dogs, and I laughed at him.

    – Another time, while drunk post-bar at the SA at 22nd/Lyndale, I was amusing the patrons by screaming about how I was gonna make all the wieners have sex with all the doughnut’s holes.

    That is all.

    • ilovehotdogs replied:

      You’re a true enthusiast, Stf’d Phzt! If we ever institute an “adults only” page, we’ll hire you to be editor. You’re rad to the max!

  4. Conner replied:

    Best hot dog story I’ve read in a long time. I was enthralled until the end and then disappointing I couldn’t read anymore. I’m thinking about wandering down to the SA for a hotdog.

    • ilovehotdogs replied:

      Disappointed because we’ve only written two posts?

      Don’t worry, Connor, the Hot Dog Doctors never sleep. We’ll be posting again very soon, because we’re always on the prowl for more dog. Stay toooooooned.

  5. Andy replied:

    Hlz, I have to thank you for sending me a text message at 1:30 in the morning last night telling me to check out your new post. You are way better than an RSS feed for this purpose. You were right, too; this was totally choice. I was a super HTDGBLG fan from the outset, but this just seals it. This was the chz on the dg, so to speak.

    • ilovehotdogs replied:

      Thanks, Andy! We think you are awes, too!
      We’re going to post again really soon, so hold onto your bunz!

  6. Molly replied:

    I was so inspiried by your experience that I stopped by SA on may way home, merely minutes ago. I am happy to report the SA in my neighborhood was fully stocked with cheese. I can also confirm the Coach was correct in his direction the cheese does indeed drop, drop, drop…

    • ilovehotdogs replied:

      Thanks for this confirmation, Molly! Coach was quite a rad guy to the max.

  7. BUGGERZ replied:

    Hz sure knows how to have fun at The SA with a weiner.

  8. Joel replied:

    Thanks for the name-drop Hz. I’m anxiously awaiting your post about that wonderful MPLS destination location, “The Wienery.” So much so that I’ve got the meat sweats.

  9. Hz eats alone « Hot Dog Blog replied:

    […] up to Super America, but not the same Super America that she and Ez went to with Lt. Brn-N-Srv in mission two. When she got there, she thought it may be a great idea to see if there were any treasures in the […]

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